Twin Cities Attractions:
A selection of activities in the Twin Cities during the RHESSI Workshop is available here:
Other online sources:
- Your basic visitor’s guide to Minneapolis:
- City Pages has a calendar of events, lists of restaurants and bars, music, etc.
Buildings On-Campus for Breakfast / Coffee Locations: (see map below)
Surdyk's Cafe (Northrop Auditorium): 8 am - 3 pm Monday through Friday, closed weekends
Walter Wise Owl Cafe: 8 am - 4 pm Monday through Thursday, 8-2:30 Friday, closed weekends
French Meadow Bakery (Rec Center): opens at 7:30AM Monday through Friday; opens at 11:00AM Saturday; closed Sunday
Freshii (Moos Tower): 7 am - 2 pm Monday through Friday
Caribou (Moos Tower): 7:00 am - 4:00 pm Monday through Thursday, 7-2:30 Friday, closed weekends
Einstein Bagels (Coffman Union): 11 am - 2:30 pm Monday through Friday, closed weekends
Starbucks (Coffman Union): 7:30 am - 4 pm Monday through Friday, 7:30-2:30 Friday, closed weekends