Steven Christe The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI) Explorer Milo Buitrago-Casas Understanding and mitigating stray light for FOXSI’s latest flight Hugh Hudson Detection Limits for Faint Diffuse Solar X-ray Sources Matej Kuhar The role of quiet Sun flares in coronal heating Kristopher Cooper NuSTAR observations of a repeatedly microflaring active region Jessie Duncan Hard X-ray Imaging and Spectroscopy of Six NuSTAR Microflares Iain Hannah NuSTAR observations of the quietest Sun Lindsay Glesener First detection of non-thermal emission in a NuSTAR solar microflare Juliana Vievering Focus on the Extremes: Harnessing the Powerful Capabilities of Hard X-ray Focusing Optics to Explore Solar/Stellar Activity from Sub-A to X10,000 Class Flares Amir Caspi Comprehensive DEM & abundance measurements through full X-ray coverage Working Group 2 Summary Your browser does not support iframes, but you can visit Your browser does not support iframes, but you can visit